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We are a continuity of care program. The bulk of enrollment takes place after our January Open House for the new school year in September. Once new enrollments are identified from the wait pool, new families are notified of potential openings in February and March. Families will then be invited to come for a site tour to see the program in action. Occasionally spaces open up in different ages throughout the school year and we will then notify families for site tours.


Interested families submit a completed wait pool application form accompanied by a non refundable application fee ($25).

Wait Pool

Due to the high demand for quality childcare, APS works from our wait pool. As a precaution, we strongly recommend that you submit an application(s) as early as possible, and we also urge you to apply to more than one childcare center. Applications are accepted anytime.Your application goes into the wait pool and is organized by birth date. You can check your status in the wait pool when you attend an open house or email us anytime - please include your child's date of birth when inquiring about enrollment.


Please contact us at for inquiries about enrollment.

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